
12 Bravo’s Construction group is led by Mr. Aaron Brentzel who has over 30 years of construction experience himself. Assisting him is Brian Brentzel, a Villanova graduate with a BS in Civil Engineering, who has 20 years of construction experience. They will ensure that 12 Bravo’s mission is front and center on every project.
NAICS Codes: Our current operations follow under the following codes:
- 238910
- 237210
- 237990
- 213111
- 237110
- 237130
- 238110
- 423390
- 561730
Although young in company history, our core member’s experience brings the wealth of knowledge only seen in decades old established corporations. Our principles and key employees collectively span all areas of heavy highway construction, each bringing valuable key attributes to the table. We were founded on the principles of delivering a quality service in a time frame that best serves the customer, while maintaining the small business company to client relationship.
Core Functions and Capabilities
Our key construction members’ history has centered around the earth moving business. Regardless of project type and scope; planning, scheduling, execution and completions have centered around the moving of earth. We have found the key to successful project completion has been efficiently completing bulk scope items. In our project history, we have sought out projects focusing on bulk earthwork. These projects may consist of a cut to fill of a half million yards of soil, stripping topsoil from over hundreds of acres of land, hammering and ripping hundreds of thousands of yards of rock, or drying and stabilizing foundation soils that would otherwise be deemed unsuitable. Regardless of material type, moving of said material is our focus. This focus has led us to a complete scope in other areas of production.
We have extensive experience in utility installation, including but not limited to:
Sanitary sewer mainline, laterals, manholes, pumping and testing.
Stormwater detention systems; underground, open basin and infiltration.
Storm sewer systems consisting of HDPE, PVC, CMP and RCP.
Water distribution networks, potable and non. Pipe can be ductile iron, PVC or HDPE fused. Our supporting operations include:
Demolition; site, building, buried and abandonments.
Clearing and grubbing which includes mowing, tree felling, stump grinding, chipping, raking, disposal and burning.
Erosion Control
Rock construction entrances;
Perimeter fencing;
Silt Fences;
Silt Sock and Traps;
Inlet protection (both interior and exterior);
Rip Rap protection;
Temporary stabilization;
Keyway excavations, drains, compacted backfill;
Retaining walls, redi rock, modular, gravity and geo reinforced;
Fine grading for buildings, aggregates, concrete and asphalt;
Concrete for anchors, bases and foundations;
Geotextiles and Aggregates for subbase;
Restoration including seeding (hydro and spincast), mulching (hydro and blower), slope stabilization (hydro and mats).
• Special Characteristics
Bulk earthwork
Our company owned excavators over 100k lbs. and our close-knit network of truck rentals allow us to move massive amounts of earth each shift and adapt to any situation whether it be off-road or over-the-road.
Rock excavation
- Our internal line of hydraulic hammers allows us to mechanically remove any rock encountered on a project at a moment’s notice.
- A tight relationship with subcontractors enables us to utilize blasting when an extensive amount of rock is to be excavated and the situation dictates.
Soil stabilization
- Our company owned mixers and spreaders enable us to utilize lime or cement stabilization when a site calls for the use of in-situ unsuitable soil to be used as compactable backfill.
- Over70 major pieces of excavation, or related, equipment;
- Equipment includes necessary capabilities for mobilization, prepping, bulking, finishing and closure;
- Office resources to conduct billing, accounting, estimating, project management and customer service;
- GPS capabilities include takeoff, modeling, tracking, machine operation and calculation. All hardware and software are the latest technology allowing employees the best asset available to accomplish tasks.

12 Bravo’s Consulting group, headed by Mr. Glenn Geary, who has over 20 years of construction management and inspection experience from his specific role while in the military. Being a Chief Warrant Officer in the PA Army National guard, Mr. Geary is a technically proficient officer responsible for advising high ranking individuals and over 300 personnel. He is a certified Contracting Officer Representative that has overseen, from management to inspections, and completed over $10,000,000 of federal contracts, to include stateside and while deployed. He also oversaw $5 million of design construction and inspection of 4 helipads and 20 miles of roadway in an austere combat environment in one fiscal year. Assisting him is Robert Jorgensen who has 30 years of construction management and inspection experience while serving in the military. Mr. Jorgensen worked for the United States Army (Ft. Indiantown Gap, PA /Lithuania /Kuwait/Jordan) as a Chief of Staff/Chief Operations Officer/Deputy Director/Training Manger for the past 7 years. Prior to that, he served as Senior Project Manager for the second largest US base constructed in Jordan. Other duties included managing the new construction and improvements of support structures and resupply and enhancement of six bases supporting over 3000 service members (construction, security, subsistence). They will ensure that 12 Bravo’s mission is front and center on every project.
NAICS Codes: Our current operations follow under the following code: 541330
Our professional staff of managers, engineers, and inspectors work closely together to provide the best possible project management and inspection oversight. We help clients succeed through our relentless pursuit of innovation, our unmatched ability to perform, to meet challenges successfully, and to complete tasks on schedule and within budget.
Core Functions and Capabilities
12 Bravo specializes in transportation inspection services and the group of individuals that Mr. Geary has assembled has a combined 40 years of transportation inspection experience. Our inspection staff will possess the required industry certifications such as NICET, ACI, and NECEPT, have passed the TA-TCI Inspection Modules and will likely be a degreed engineer. We keep an extensive library of industry reference materials such as PennDOT’s Pub 408 as well as we understand the high expectations that entities such as PennDOT and the Pennsylvania Turnpike Commission demand for their projects. 12 Bravo, with its trained managers and inspectors, is involved in all phases of management and inspection of construction. We service a wide variety of clients keeping safety, quality, cost, and schedule as our primary goals throughout.